Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I got a bad feeling about this...

So, I took a trip last week, and about this time would have been the time I arrived back here at my dorm. While it was a worthwhile trip, there was much stress involved and now a much larger bit associated with the three days of work that I was put behind. *sigh* I guess not much I can do about it but show you all my list of the best and worst parts of my trip to Denver, CO.

Worst Parts:
-The chilly Colorado weather on the one day of shooting that we had.
-The only sweatshirt that I brought with me (one of my favorites) smelling like Thai food
-Hanging out at the Denver airport for an three more hours than necessary
-Having both of my return flights being delayed for at least 2.5 hours because somebody wanted to screw around with Atlanta security, and God wanted there to be rain.
-Having to leave my amazingly comfy hotel bed, and room all to myself
-Missing 3 days of class and 2 labs
-Coming back to a shitload of work
-Not sleeping the night I got back
-Dealing with ridiculously stupid people in the Atlanta airport Burger King…Where was the Burger-King When I needed him..?
-Leaving my camera @ home
-Sitting next to two creepy fat men on both my flight to and from Colorado. The latter was a really big guy who at times smelled really bad, when there was a draft and I was situated downwind of him…not to mention that his fat went under the handle of the seat and wouldn’t stop touching my leg…gross

Best Parts:
-Free hotel room to myself
-Missing 3 days of class
-Party Peanuts (sounds dirty!)
-The lightning storm that we passed coming into Atlanta (it was amazing!)
-The gorgeous clear skies and beautiful landscape of Denver
-Listening to Rascal Flatts and thinking of my roomie
-Dave, proving to be on of the best friends I have…Really weird mental connection…
-Laura and Bryan’s hilarious text messages to me… I love my Brockport peeps
-Seeing some awesome tornado footage and meeting the man paving the way for field research for tornados
-Working with some awesome and really funny people
-My mom picking me up hella late from the airport (try 2 am)
-Listening to a 2 gig iPod for the 2nd time around
-The asshole, Bluetooth totting business man in Atlanta-you don’t fuck with the black people in the ATL (yeah I know it’s racist…but funny!)
-Getting in my myth reading a day early
-The guy watching scrubs 2 rows ahead of me

I can’t really say anything about me missing Brockport terribly…now I must enter the realm of hell that is the last two weeks of class, and then finals week…
It would be nice to find something to smile about now…


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